MSA launches Volunteers in Motorsport at
Autosport International
The Motor Sports Association officially launched its ambitious five-year
programme to increase significantly
the numbers of volunteer officials and
marshals in four-wheeled motor sport
at the 2006 Autosport
International show at the NEC.
Volunteers in Motorsport represents the first ever centrally co-ordinated
activity to address the issues of
recruitment, retention, training and
development among the essential motor sport volunteer community.
It is the first sporting initiative to secure government funding, securing
£150,000 from the Motorsport Development Board,
supported by matched funding
from the MSA`s Motor Sports Training Trust.
Volunteers in Motorsport will cover four key areas:
a recruitment campaign to
increase numbers across the sport;
a retention strategy to recognise experience,
increase motivation and reduce further decline;
a national programme to provide
relevant, structured and professional training that is accessible to all;
and a
framework for schemes that recognise personal development and simplify the
process of cross-discipline participation.
Running parallel to this, the MSA
will be looking at marshals` welfare, such as the provision of better
facilities, in order to improve the environment for volunteers.
"The thousands of volunteers are absolutely essential to our sport,"
said Colin Hilton, MSA Chief Executive,
"Volunteers in Motorsport represents the first
concerted effort to address the very serious issue of declining numbers
this dedicated band of people, both in terms of recruitment and retention."
"We are really excited to get this programme up and running," said Sue
have already seen a lot of interest on the stand today from both existing and
potential marshals and also marshalling clubs who can see how this will benefit
I hope that this scheme not only attracts new people to come and join the
ranks, but also reinvigorates those already involved."
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