VIM Training

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The Motor Sports Association, primarily via it's VIM initiative, has long recognised the vital role that training

of volunteers and officials plays in the safety management of motor sport and in the last ten years significant development has taken place in this field.


In late 2009, the MSA was officially awarded the status of Regional Training Provider by the FIA Institute for Motor Sport Safety,

acknowledging the great work undertaken not only in the UK but also with other governing bodies to raise standards internationally.


MSA Licensed Officials are required to attend regular training seminars run specifically for them by an experienced team of senior MSA Licensed Officials.

Training programmes for an increasing range of officials have become evidentially based and capable of being accredited to national education standards.


A series of nationwide seminars are also regularly developed to representatives of MSA Recognised Motor Clubs,

covering Event Organisation,

Club administration

and Regulatory requirements.


In a typical year, the MSA runs around 160 seminars and Training Days for volunteer officials,

either directly or through it's network of Training Instructors, attracting in excess of 5,000 participants (all at no cost to the individual).


The recent introduction of a Cadet Marshal grade, with appropriate safeguards in so far as supervision and range of duties performed is concerned,

is proving popular with this age group, with over 167 having registered in the first few months of the scheme,

and are currently undertaking a mix of formal and on-the-job training to develop their interest, and build skills and experience,

in this important area of the sport.


Because of their high level of training and skill, the MSA's registered marshals, numbering over 12,000 in total,

 are always in high demand not just in the UK but across the world,

and a 'passport' system allows MSA registered marshals the authority to marshal at events outside of their territory,

subject to certain conditions.

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