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A 1 The Use Of Radios On Motor Sporting Events


'Listen - No Hands'

Years of education and practice in the use of the English language have left many of us with the capacity to be easily misunderstood, our questions unanswered and our aspirations frustrated.

In normal conversation we have, in addition to the voice, added valuable communication devices, usually restricted to the use of the hands or an expression of the face.

However, these additional devices are not available to us when we use radios, and it is paramount that when we use this form of communication in potentially serious situations,

that we get the messages out clearly and understood the first time.  No misunderstandings, no possibility of allowing urgent serious messages to be considered as a 'joke' or 'con’.

It follows that the use of radios has to be disciplined, orderly and precise, and these notes are meant to help all Organisers and their 'users' to get the best out of their facilities.

We concern ourselves in this document mainly with the use of radios operating on the MSA Safety and Medical Frequency, but the same operating rules are valid on other safety frequencies.

A list of registered call signs and addresses of existing licensed users of the MSA Safety & Medical Frequency is available through your MSA Approved Radio Co-ordinator.

Radio Co-ordinators

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2.1  The RADIO COMMUNICATIONS AGENCY (now administered by OFCOM)  have licensed, to the MSA, a Safety and Medical frequency for its motoring events.  This frequency is EXCLUSIVE to the MSA and will be regulated by the appointed Regional Radio Co-ordinators. Do not  jeopardize or encourage others to jeopardize this valuable asset for our sport.

2.2 The RADIO COMMUNICATIONS AGENCY (now administered by OFCOM) licence requires compliance with the following:

  1. That the equipment to be used meets the RCA's specifications.

  2. That for any new application for use of the frequency the equipment must comply with RA specification MPT 1326 or ETS 300 086 at the time of first purchase. (Equipment specified to MPT 1301 and later updated to MPT 1326 will not be acceptable). 

  3. That each radio set registered on the licence cannot be exchanged with replacement equipment without prior consultation with the MSA.

  4. That output is limited to 10 watts effective radiated power (ERP) maximum.

  5. That aerials have maximum height of 9 metres.

  6. That the equipment and users be registered and authorised annually with the MSA. (Applications available from Motor Sports House)

  7. That the licensed use of the frequency be notified by the event organisers to the MSA’s Radio Co-ordinator in whose area the event is to be run, at least 14 days in advance of the event. Radio Co-ordinators

2.3 The use of the Safety & Medical Frequency by its users is further governed by MSA as follows:

  1. It meets the additional equipment specification as required by the MSA. (Appendix i)

  2. It must not be used for any purpose other than connected with MSA Motor Sport events, except for the genuine checking of equipment or recognised training events.

  3. It must not be used by Competitors, and the frequency must not be installed in sets used by Competitors or their Agents.

  4. The sets will only be authorised by MSA for Recognised Clubs, Rescue Units and other approved Operators or Services. The issue of approval by the MSA confers responsibility for the legality of the equipment and the behaviour of use of the sets to the holder of the authorisation.

  5. The Club, Organisation or individual applying for registration and authorisation of equipment accepts liability for any contravention of the RADIO COMMUNICATIONS AGENCY regulations (now administered by OFCOM) in connection with the use of these radios.

  6. The authorised user must ensure that radio sets are regularly serviced by a competent radio engineer who will ensure that the equipment operates within current RADIO COMMUNICATIONS AGENCY legislation (now administered by OFCOM). This is a condition of the licence.

  7. Each authorised user must ensure that the radios registered with the MSA operate under the stated call sign upon that licence. The only exception to this being when a change is sanctioned by an event’s Licensed Radio Controller in order to use protected call signs for event purposes, (Appendix v)  Further he may not authorise the use of a call sign which implies a status not held (e.g. RESCUE, RECOVERY, MOMO. These are reserved for MSA licensed and approved units).

  8. The MSA have registered approved MSA Radio Co-ordinators for given regions who can assist in giving advice to Event Organisers and users and who will act on behalf of MSA in the enforcement of these regulations. Radio Co-ordinators

The Co-ordinators have a responsibility for dealing with any problems that arise over the use and/or misuse of the Frequency in their area.

They possess a list of competent Licensed Radio Controllers and will be able to assist Event Organisers in sourcing the appropriate personnel. 

 Additionally they will be able to advise on the requirements regarding Probationary Controller and full Licensed Controller qualification and training scheme plus the requirements to retain a Controller License.

  1. The MSA will co-ordinate a list of authorised call signs and order amendments where necessary.  Call signs including 'Rescue', ‘Recovery’, ‘Momo’ or similar are reserved for MSA Licenced safety units.

No primary call-signs using the phonetic alphabet will be permitted.

  1. The authorised user through the event Licenced Radio Controller must ensure that the event Organiser, for whom he is operating, has notified the appropriate MSA approved MSA Radio Co-ordinator Radio Co-ordinators, for the areas in which the event is operating 14 days in advance of the event.

  2. The authorised user will report any contravention of these requirements or any unauthorised usage of the frequency to MSA.

  1. The MSA authorises the use of the frequency to Clubs, Organisations and others recognised by them, for events covered by MSA Permit, provided that:-

  1. the event is controlled by an MSA licensed Radio Controller

  2. only licensed users and sets are involved.

  3. the regulations outlined above are complied with.

  4. a copy of the letter to the MSA Radio Co-ordinator(s) is returned  to MSA after the event.

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A 3 TRAINING - Radio Operator.

3.1 Radio training sessions are essential to understanding the purpose of the Safety & Medical Frequency and the impact it has on the overall safety of an event.

Training sessions can be organised in various parts of the country. You should contact the approved MSA Radio Co-ordinator if you wish to promote or take part in such sessions.  Even if you or your club operators are fairly active in events, it is recommended that you/they attend such training sessions. Not only will it provide an opportunity to check up on procedures, and ask questions, but your/their contribution can be valuable to others less experienced.

Your club could also organise its own training sessions.  It is not necessary that the club has its own radio's, these can often be borrowed for the session.

It is recommended that you contact your MSA Radio Co-ordinator who will be able to advise you on the best course of action.

Such training will often cover topics in addition to procedure, e.g. choice and care of equipment, first maintenance, and is a good way to introduce all club members to the use of a radio set.

Consideration should also be given by clubs to instigate an operator qualification scheme. Only persons who have attended a formal Training Session should be authorised to operate the clubs radio equipment. This authorisation could be annually renewable dependant upon subsequent attendance at formal Training Sessions.

Training need not be limited to sanitised sessions. Consider ‘on event’ training. Placing a novice in tandem with an experienced operator or radio crew will provide a real time experience of non artificial incidents and the accompanying responsibilities.

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4.1 In accordance with the MSA's regulations detailed previously, the MSA has licenced the following persons as Approved Radio Co-ordinators in the areas specified.

Radio Co-ordinators

4.2 Authorised users are recommended to discuss operational procedures and any administrative matters in addition to seeking advice on Training matters with them.


5.1 The named authorised user is responsible for the following:-

  1. Accepting liability for any contravention of the RADIO COMMUNICATIONS AGENCY Regulations (now administered by OFCOM) in connection with the use of the radio equipment as authorised. (See Section A2 2.2).

  2. Accepting responsibility for the legality of the equipment, as authorised and the behaviour of the user(s) of that equipment. (See Section A2 2.3)

  3. Ensuring that each user of the registered call sign has a copy of the authorisation for use for that callsign.

  4. Ensuring that regulatory information available through the MSA (such as this Operational Guide) in addition to Safety & Medical Frequency bulletins, periodically issued by the MSA, are made available to the operators within the authorised group.

  5. Advising the MSA of any administrational changes to their authorisation to use  i.e.

  1. change of contact name,

  2. change of address, telephone number etc.

  3. additions / reductions to the number of sets authorised.

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