Applicable to all users with the exception of
Radio Co-ordinators and licenced controllers
This specification has been devised to enable
the equipment to meet the demands of the operational requirements and possible
future expansion whilst ensuring that it conforms to all relevant licence and
technical specifications as laid down by the Radio Communications Agency
(now administered by OFCOM). It
should be read in conjunction with the MSA SAFETY & MEDICAL FREQUENCY
All equipment must comply with
MPT 1326, or ETS 300 086 at the time of first purchase. Equipment specified to
MPT 1301 and later updated to MPT 1326 will not be acceptable.
Hand held equipment will not be
acceptable as the primary radio.
Minimum recommended channel
capacity of equipment is – 4.
Frequency is 81.5750 Mhz FM
Power level will be maximum of 10
Watts ERP†
Channel spacing 12.5 Khz.
CTCSS, both encode and decode, is
mandatory, open channel working is not permitted*.
Selcall #
Tone set to be used will be EEA.
Tone length 40ms.
The equipment must be capable of
encoding and decoding any number of tones between 3 & 6.
Revertive selcall operation will
be mandatory. (Answer back)
ANI will be mandatory at the end
of each transmission.
The facility to display or input
variable digits will not be permitted.
Upon decoding its own ID the
equipment must emit an audible warning and provide visual indication of being
called. The cancellation of the visual indication is to be a manual operation.
Transmission time out timer must
be used and set at 30 seconds. This must give an audible warning to the user but
not necessarily the listener that transmission is about to be or has ceased.
† Ensure
equipment is approved for use at this power level.
tones will be notified with the authority to use the frequency.
# Selcall & ANI details will be issued with the authority to use the frequency.
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