Appendix iiDRAFT LETTER - PRE EVENT NOTIFICATION In order to comply with the MSA licensing requirements, Event Organisers are required to notify the MSA Radio Co-ordinator in whose areas the event is to run to confirm the authorised usage of the frequency. The letter must be sent at least 14 days in advance of the usage and must contain the following basic information, produced here as a draft. MSA requirements call for a copy of this letter to be sent to the MSA office along with other paperwork after the event.
To: (MSA Radio Co-ordinator - See text for addresses page 3). cc Motor Sports Association
Dear Sir Private Mobile Radio Licensing. As an MSA recognised Motor Club, we have received authorisation to use their licenced frequency of 81.5750 MHz for the event detailed below. The RADIO COMMUNICATIONS AGENCYs requirements under PBR Licence 264333, as issued to the MSA, will be respected. a. Name of Event: . b. Date of Event: c. Transmissions will commence at . hrs on . (date) and will close down at about . hrs on . (date) d. The location of the Radio Control will be at ..... e. Name of Radio Controller on the event .. f. The controller can be contacted before the event on (telephone): .. ... and during the event on .. g. The call signs and the locations of transmissions to be used will be as follows: CONTROL/BASE .... AUTO .. OFFICIALS .... AUTO .. STAGES .... AUTO .. Continue on separate sheet if necessary h. Name & address of applicant . i. Name and address of Radio Controller (if different) |